“Those who flow as life flows know they need no other force.”

— Lao Tzu

what is freeflow?

Freeflow is a healing movement founded by Reagan Frances to spark creative flow— to bring more joy, play, and Love into our lives! Sit with Reagan in a 1:1 session or book a public or private event today!

We are revolutionizing perspectives on mental, physical, and spiritual health—to end the war on feeling, stop resisting, stop fighting to feel better, and instead get better at feeling and then translate that feeling into creative flow.

Instead of asking, "what is wrong with you?" we may lovingly inquire, "what happened to you?" and then we open the flow to huge paradigm shifts that allow us to use our life’s experience to our benefit.

In Freeflow we curate beauty and then simply stand to witness the Love that flows as a result. We trade prescriptions for powerful tools such as Yoga, Breathwork, Shadow Work, Art Therapy, Improv Storytelling, Sound Healing, Reiki hands on Energy Work and Ceremonial GongFu Tea practice and this divine medicine is custom made for you. Freeflow is experienced in 1:1 sessions, workshops, social gatherings, creative events with art/music/etc, and we have a vision for major growth! We need one another and as part of the cosmic puzzle- we all heal together!

Freeflow is Results oriented— spawning tangible life changes such as:

*Improved Health



*Divine Relationships

*Spiritual Connection

*Connection to Higher Life purpose

Work with Reagan Frances

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“stop fighting to feel better, get better at feeling.”